The covalently bonded titanium surface of TiMESH hernia mesh creates a unique 360-degree hydrophilic interface on the base of macroporous polypropylene. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated smooth parietal in-growth and minimal shrinkage with low recurrence rates. This surface modification allows for minimal manipulation without folding or migrating while evenly adhering to the abdominal ceiling during the placement procedure.
Compatible with all open & laparoscopy techniques including intraperitoneal procedures†
The TiMESH is intended for the reinforcement of tissue during surgical repair. Specifically, the TiMESH is indicated for laparoscopic and open surgery for the repair of direct inguinal hernias, indirect inguinal hernias, femoral hernias, umbilical hernias, incisional hernias, parietal reinforcement of tissues and abdominal wall repair.
Pre-tailored square or rectangular configurations
Pre-tailored keyhole configurations with aperture dimensions designed to sustain natural function of the anatomical structure passing through and adjacent to the prothesis without interference.
*Available in Canada Only
‡Not qualified for use in IPOM procedures
†Bittner et al. Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society) Part III. 2013. Surg Endosc. Open Access.
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