Dual Ports HP

Product Description

The Tita Jet® Light Dual and Jet-Port® Dual Ports Catheter Systems are high pressure implantable dual chamber ports ideal for administrating more than one therapy simultaneously.  The dual system prevents single lumen contamination of incompatible medications with a port inlay made of titanium and a plastic casing.


The Tita Jet Light Dual HP & Jet-Port Dual HP Catheter System are indicated for patient therapies requiring repeated access to the vascular system. The port system can be used for infusion of medications, IV fluids, parenteral nutrition solutions, blood products and for the withdrawal of blood samples.

When used with a power injectable needle, catheter systems are indicated for power injection of contrast media. For power injection of contrast media, the maximum recommended infusion rate is 5 mL/sec with a 19G or 20G non-coring power injectable needle or 2 mL/sec with a 22G non-coring power injectable needle.

Product Benefits

  • Offered in both plastic & hybrid design
  • Self-sealing silicone membrane
  • Radiopaque CT markings
  • MRI-compatible (up to 3 Tesla)
  • Click Connector™ designed to provide audible feedback to confirm secure & reliable fixation of catheter to port connection

Technical Data

  • Pressure stability: High pressure rated up to maximum 300 psi with maximum flow rate of 5 mL/sec
  • Length of catheter: 50 cm
  • Dimensions: 41 x 26.0 x 12.7 mm (L x W x H)
  • Weight: 9g
  • Residual volume per septum: 0.37 mL
  • Septum diameter: each 11 mm
  • Puncture frequency (non-coring 19G needle): 500 per septum
Port Systems Brochure

Dual Port HP Ordering Information

REFCatheterIDODODResidual VolumeSP
616.021.0078-HAPU Attachable2 x 1.10 mm3.2 mm9.6F2 x 0.20 mL/10 cm Length of CatheterYes
616.022.0078-HAPU Attachable2 x 1.10 mm3.2 mm9.6F2 x 0.20 mL/10 cm Length of CatheterYes

pfmmedical, the pfm logo, Jet-Port, Tita Jet, Click Connector, and Click Sound are  registered trademarks of PFM Medical, Inc.